You have been waiting for too long, looking for signs and for ways to come out of the shell, it is time to open your wings. I am here to help you tap into your own inner power, help you find a space of stillness, and manifest your wholesome life,

As an energy practitioner for over 30 years, I have dedicated my adult life to connecting with Source, as well as to understanding life force and working with it for the good of all. As a senior disciple of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of modern Pranic Healing, I’ve studied the deep principles and ancient teachings of prana - how it work in coherence with it and the universal laws that govern it, and how to apply these in the different arenas of life.
She took these teachings, which she cherishes so dearly, as well as the healing and meditation teachings from her grandmother, a spiritual teacher of high degree, and built upon them with the understanding that energy is at the core of all healing modalities. Through the great wisdom of her teacher and his teachers before him, she was able to synthesize these principles into all of her other studies.
As a public speaker, thought leader, Pranic Healing senior instructor, meditation guide, breath practitioner, life coach, motivational speaker, sound healer, plant medicine worker, and student of shamanic studies and native American cultures, she sees the interconnectedness of the Universe in all she does. "Everyday is humbling and awe-inspiring and I am grateful the Great Spirit has put me on this Journey."
She believes that finding and living your purpose in life is the secret to true happiness. Once you have found this purpose, it is your obligation to share this vibration with others raising all up to a state of well-being and peace.
She has found her purpose, and has defined her mission:
"To share the knowledge, wisdom, and gifts that have been bestowed upon me with the world - one soul at a time. To help you find peace, love, and joy in your heart, and go from good to greater, holding space for you to craft your heart, and yourself so that you can live a more fulfilling life."
All of her sessions, whether in private settings or in group, and whether guided meditations or healings; whether a sound bath or a Lucia light immersion; breath work or coaching, are a personal process tapping into all the tools she has accumulated throughout her years of study and experience. Alejandra takes a 360 degree approach to all she does, and using her very acute intuition and sensitivity, starting with an intuitive energetic reading, a deep consultative interview, an invocation of the great ones, a thorough energetic cleaning and an energizing and balancing of all the energy centers, finally to help YOU manifest through this process, she would finish with a thorough grounding and integration process to concretize the learnings that come to them through the creator, understanding that she is just a humble vessel, and that ultimately it is YOU who heal yourself.
Alejandra has had great success with her clients from all walks of life, from doctors, to politicians, from housewives, to celebrities. Whether working on helping you heal physical ailments or emotional/mental issues, blockages to fear and self-doubt, or to help you craft your self or gain guidance and clarity - it is her personal mission to make sure anyone she works with achieve their intentions and move to that place of peace and purpose.
Alejandra is a thought-leader, a public speaker, a spiritual teacher, a mentor, a healer, and ultimately she is a friend and a sister in the path.